Monday 1 August 2011

Powershell unrar

Script purpose
Uncompress a rar or set of rar files using unrar.exe. Once successfully completed remove the original rar files.

Script Notes
Files are extracted to the same folder as the rar file.

Success is determined by checking the output of the unrar executable. If it is successful there should be the text 'All OK' in the output. Files are only removed if this text is found on a single line by itself.

Rar files to be deleted are extracted from the output of the unrar executable.

The RemoveSuccessful parameter was added for testing. If set to false rar files will be moved to sub folder called trash, otherwise they are deleted.

$Script:unrarName =  "path to unrar.exe"
function Extract-RAR-File([string]$FilePath, [bool]$RemoveSuccessful= $false) 
        unrars a file or set of rar files, then if "all ok" 
        removes or moves the original rar files
        Extract-RAR-File c:\temp\foo.rar
        Extracts contents of foo.rar to folder temp.
    .Parameter FilePath
        path to rar file 
    .Parameter RemoveSuccessful
        remove rar files if successful otherwise move files to folder called trash
    # Verify we can access UNRAR.EXE .
 if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($unrarName) -or (Test-Path -LiteralPath $unrarName) -ne $true)
     Write-Error "Unrar.exe path does not exist '$unrarPath'."
    [string]$unrarPath = $(Get-Command $unrarName).Definition
    if ( $unrarPath.Length -eq 0 )
        Write-Error "Unable to access unrar.exe at location '$unrarPath'."

   # Verify we can access to the compressed file.
 if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FilePath) -or (Test-Path -LiteralPath $FilePath) -ne $true)
     Write-Error "Compressed file does not exist '$FilePath'."
    [System.IO.FileInfo]$Compressedfile = get-item -LiteralPath $FilePath 
    #set Destination to basepath folder
    #$fileBaseName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($Compressedfile.Name)
    #$DestinationFolder = join-path -path $Compressedfile.DirectoryName -childpath $fileBaseName
    #set Destination to parent folder
    $DestinationFolder = $Compressedfile.DirectoryName 

    # If the extract directory does not exist, create it.
    CreateDirectoryIfNeeded ( $DestinationFolder ) | out-null

    Write-Output "Extracting files into $DestinationFolder"
    &$unrarPath x -y  $FilePath $DestinationFolder | tee-object -variable unrarOutput 
    #display the output of the rar process as verbose
    $unrarOutput | ForEach-Object {Write-Verbose $_ }
    if ( $LASTEXITCODE -ne 0 )
        # There was a problem extracting. 
        #Display error
        Write-Error "Error extracting the .RAR file" 
        # check $unrarOutput to remove files
        Write-Verbose "Checking output for OK tag"  
        if ($unrarOutput -match "^All OK$" -ne $null) {
            if ($RemoveSuccessful) {
                Write-Verbose "Removing files"  
                #remove rar files listed in output.
                $unrarOutput -match "(?<=Extracting\sfrom\s)(?<rarfile>.*)$" | 
                ForEach-Object {$_ -replace 'Extracting from ', ''} | 
                ForEach-Object { get-item -LiteralPath $_ } | 
            } else {
                Write-Verbose "Moving files to trash folder`n$trashPath"  
                [string]$trashPath = join-path -path $DestinationFolder "Trash"
                #create trash folder to move rars to
                CreateDirectoryIfNeeded ($trashPath)
                #move rar files listed in output.
                $unrarOutput -match "(?<=Extracting\sfrom\s)(?<rarfile>.*)$" | 
                ForEach-Object {$_ -replace 'Extracting from ', ''} | 
                foreach-object { get-item -LiteralPath $_ } | 
                move-item -destination $trashPath

function CreateDirectoryIfNeeded ( [string] $Directory ){
        checks if a folder exists, if it does not it is created
        CreateDirectoryIfNeeded "c:\foobar"
        Creates folder foobar in c:\
    if ((test-path -LiteralPath $Directory) -ne $True)
        New-Item $Directory-type directory | out-null
        if ((test-path -LiteralPath $Directory) -ne $True)
            Write-error ("Directory creation failed")
            Write-verbose ("Creation of directory succeeded")
        Write-verbose ("Creation of directory not needed")

I have used this quite a bit, on various different files successfully but try with parameter RemoveSuccessful = $false first (its sure to have bugs). If you have any suggestions please share.

Unrar download page


1 comment:

  1. Ok, Thanks for everything.
    Not only did I find an answer to a weeks old problem, I now have a decent example of how powershell should be written.
    Nice, clean elegant work.
